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Friday, January 14, 2011

What is Feng Shui, anyway?

I thought it might be a good idea, early on, to give some background on feng shui. The first thing most people think of involves moving furniture around or painting the front door red - and that's right to a certain degree - but it certainly isn't everything.

Now, I'm not an expert, but I have been voraciously studying and practicing the art of feng shui for a year. This blog post explains my understanding based on what I’ve learned so far. It can be used as a background for the adjustments I post and the art I make.

 Basically, the practice of feng shui is to guide chi for positive results. Chi, or qi, is energy. Energy lights our homes, transmits our text messages, makes our toenails grow, gives life to our internal organs and so much more. Energy is all around us and in us. Chi makes things happen.

 I picture chi as a lazy river of water flowing everywhere. Sometimes chi is rushing like river rapids and sometimes it stagnates as water does in a puddle. The activity level and directional flow of the chi around us has a direct effect on different aspects of our lives.

The aspects of our lives I'm referring to are represented in the feng shui bagua (or pa'kua) in eight sections around a center. These aspects are career, self knowledge, family, wealth, reputation, health, relationships, creativity (children), and helpful people (travel). For certain aspects of your life, you may desire a rushing flow. Perhaps certain aspects are just as you would like and you prefer to simply maintain the situation. In most cases, an even steady flow is desirable.

The condition of our homes (or offices or neighborhoods or countries, etc), all give suggestion to this energy which reflects back to us. Applied feng shui is a method for communicating the desires of our hearts to the universe. Using the lazy river metaphor - chi enters our homes, flows around collecting our suggestions, and returns to the universe to actualize them.

 For example, a water feature in the wealth area is auspicious according to feng shui. If I put a picture of Niagara Falls in the wealth area then - BAM! - I'm rich! Not exactly, but that’s the idea. The practice is more complex, but the suggestions we make to the universe through the condition of our environments are recognized – whether they are intentional or not.  Feng shui is a language we can use to communicate our true desires to the forces that be…

I plan to post more on the history, origins and evolution of feng shui, as well as more about the practice - so stay tuned!!

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