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Sunday, April 3, 2011

At home with Mertyle.

Art collector extraordinaire, Josh Saathoff, sent over some pics of Mertyle, a piece of mine he acquired in 2010.  Mind you, when I say extraordinaire, I'm not kidding - If you ever had the opportunity to do a 2nd Fridays Pilsen gallery crawl with this kid, you would not want to pass it up.

Josh's place is so absolutely gorgeous, it's really quite an honor to have my work as part of the decor!

 In terms of Feng Shui, I really love that he has orange as a featured color in the dining area. Orange facilitates celebration and sets the perfect tone for sharing meals and socializing.

I'm a fan of Josh's work too - he's the owner and primary designer for NonFiction Tees.

"Factually relevant, conversation-invoking graphic tees based on library categories. Our fascination with print-making combines our favorite things - Fine Art, Graphic Design, Industrial-ness, computers, and Arts & Crafts - into an art form that can be worn."

a-w-e-s-o-m-e! Check out his Etsy shop when you have a chance and thanks for the pictures, Josh!