Dusting one day, I came across a couple of old picture frames. Looking at them anew, it occurred to me that they'd look great in the kitchen! The espresso dark brown is the same shade as the blinds and the distressed tan areas pick up the cabinet color perfectly...
I'd been considering different things to put in the frames when I remembered this really awesome hand screen-printed wallpaper I'd gotten on a whim from Naked&Angry. I just love this wallpaper!
Ta-da! Looks really cool and this little arrangement is supported by the principles of feng shui!
The frames are hung in the relationship area according to the Bagua. The number two (and things in pairs) is considered fortunate for relationships when used in this area. I cut the paper and hung the frames so the pattern continues from the top frame to the bottom frame. This creates a visually symbiotic relationship between them. The intentional design and placement of these picture frames symbolically encourages enhanced relationships in life.
Small additions and changes can make a room exciting and new again. I love what these two little frames have done for my kitchen!
Small additions and changes can make a room exciting and new again. I love what these two little frames have done for my kitchen!