Sooo - as many of you may know, the Chinese new year begins Feb 3. If you didn't know, now ya do :) I wanted to take this opportunity to share the potential forecast for your year, based on your feng shui animal. Keep in mind that we all have free will to use this information to make us aware of challenges, change them and/or use them to our benefit.
First off - credit where credit is due: Pam Kai Tollefson is the first Feng Shui master I ever spoke with. In fact, she's the one who connected me with my teacher, Laurie Pawli. This is a brief synopsis taken from several of Pam's masters and published in her newsletter.
You can read various reports on the internet but keep in mind that if you are born in mid January to mid February, you may not be the animal you think you are. (You may think you are a rat but you really are a pig, for example.) Consult a Chinese horoscope for the dates.
Rabbits, this is your year! This means that it will be an important, possibly life changing year. Rabbits are known for being classy, sophisticated, well mannered, compassionate, sociable, creative, partner and peace seekers, conservative risk avoiders and perhaps the luckiest animal in the Chinese Zodiac.
This Rabbit year is going to be a better year than last year for everybody in general and the Rabbits (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999) in particular. The metal rabbits of 1951 turn 60 throughout the year and have good money luck on their side. This makes everyone very happy because of all the twelve Chinese animal signs, we all know many rabbits. Rabbits are very prolific and they are everywhere. (1951 Rabbits make up a great percentage of my feng shui clients.) There are so many of you and you are used to being successful and lucky; this year won’t disappoint. Don’t completely ignore the old saying;
“Sitting in the year god’s seat, harm or disaster you will meet.”
Stay alert to danger but plan for a wonderful life changing year for you. All rabbits have many opportunities, just be careful to take care of yourselves health wise and tend to your close relationships.
Rabbit characteristics: Talented & articulate, affectionate, yet shy, seeks peace.

Dragons (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000) have even more than their usual leadership potential and charm. As always, they should try to curb their confidence and pride. Watch out for stress, be health conscious and especially aware of food and drink consumption. Romance is promising.
Dragon characteristics: Eccentric, your life is complex, you have a passionate nature and abundant health.
The Snake (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001) has a mixed money bag year. Many changes require that you be able to adapt to any situation. This transforming to fit the circumstance is usually easy for the charming snake to do. A new social life looks promising.
Snake characteristics: Wise & intense, tends to be beautiful, vain & high tempered.
The Horse (1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002) has the potential for luck in career and the money that comes with it. Work hard to achieve the maximum results but don’t burn out. Romance is a highlight if the horses concentrate on the future, not the past.
Horse characteristics: Popular & attractive to opposite sex. Often ostentatious & impatient. You need people.
The Sheep (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003) has a moderate year to start, but it improves steadily. By July they are ready for a new venture. Health is generally good. Those born in 1955 and 1979 could suffer consequences if they drink too much alcohol. Married couples need to keep the lines of communication open and free from another involvement.
Ram (sheep) characteristics: Elegant & creative, timid, prefer anonymity.
The Monkey (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004) will have a better year than last year but it will take until almost July to be back on an even keel. Don’t lend money and keep on guard for backstabbers in career and business. Stay positive, don’t drink and watch what they eat to keep digestion sound. Romance is uneventful. Couples should avoid getting picky over insignificant matters.
Monkey characteristics: Very intelligent & able to influence people. Enthusiastic achiever, easily discouraged & confused.
The Rooster (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005) will have to be on guard this year. The Rabbit year is the opposition year (Po Sui) for the Rooster. It happens every twelve years for every animal sign. Fortunately for the Rooster, it has some lucky stars to protect it. The year begins a bit shaky and is up and down until the fall season when opportunities in finance and business present themselves. Those born in 1969 will have stress at work. Be careful with money and how it is spent. Make wellness a priority and they will be fine. If open to it, there is the chance of an sensational love affair.
Rooster characteristics: A pioneer in spirit, devoted to work & quest after knowledge, often selfish & eccentric.
The Dog (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006) has no obstacles in its way this year. Career and money can be even better with hard work. Dogs could change jobs or travel overseas, excel in academics or succeed in anything they do – if they do their homework and remain self disciplined. Make health a top priority to feel up to enjoying the relationship they have been seeking. They could find a life partner.
Dog characteristics: Loyal & honest, works well with others. Generous, yet stubborn, often selfish.
The Pig (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007) will have some challenges and some opportunities in the Rabbit year. Career changes may seem dubious at first but will turn out better than expected if patient. By September money will more abundant. Health is okay as long as they get plenty of rest and sleep. Romance takes a backseat this year. If considering marriage, wait until next year.
Pig characteristics: Noble & chivalrous. Your friends will be life long, yet you are prone to impulsiveness.
The Rat (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008) has good career and financial opportunities this year. You may need to take a different direction than the one you have been working toward for the last two years, but if open minded and willing to diversify, Rats will make great gains. Lucrative prospects abound. Beware of over extending in work to avoid burn out. Sleep and exercise are very important. Romance is in the foreground and Rats could get married.
Rat characteristics: Born leaders, ambitious, honest, free spending, has many friends.
The Ox ( 1949, 1961, 1973,1985, 1997, 2009) should keep their shoulder to the plow and work for steady, but slow monetary progress. Don’t make waves or do anything risky to jeopardize your finances. Save money. Let romance take a pass until the mood improves. Be mellow and avoid quarrels with a partner.
Ox characteristics: Bright, patient & inspiring to others, you can be happy by yourself.
The Tiger’s year (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010) is over and they should take a break and lay low. Hidden dangers lurk in every area – money, love, legal issues. Just bide your time. Think twice, act carefully and all will be fine.
Tiger characteristics: Aggressive, courageous, candid & sensitive.
Happy new year, everyone!!!